Writings and editions
Translations of writings
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Translations of writings
The works of
Kristijonas Donelaitis have attained a considerable international
acclaim: they have been translated into 20 languages – English, Armenian,
Belarusian, Czech, Esperanto, Estonian, Georgian, Italian, Japanese,
Latvian, Polish, Latin, French, Sorbian, Swedish, Ukrainian, Hungarian,
German and Yiddish. The Seasons have been translated into 12
languages – English, Armenian, Belarusian, Czech, Georgian, Latvian,
Polish, Russian, Swedish, Ukrainian, Hungarian and German; at present
the poem is being translated into Spanish and Italian. It has been
translated into English, Polish, Russian and German more than once, and
these translations came out in more than one edition.
The Seasons
were first translated into German by Martin Ludwig Rhesa in 1818 to be
published for the first time under the title The Year in Four Cantos
(Das Jahr in vier Gesängen). This is the first translation of
the poem into a foreign language. The poem was again translated into
German by Georg Heinrich Ferdinand Nesselmann in 1869 in the book
Christian Donalitius‘ Lithuanian
Poetry (Christian Donalitius Littauische Dichtungen). Later,
it was also translated by Ludwig Passarge (Christian Donalitius’
Littauische Dichtungen, 1894; republished in 1998, 1999) and Hermann
Buddensieg (The Seasons = Die Jahreszeiten, 1966, 21970).
Fragments of The
Seasons were translated into Latvian relatively early, in 1821, by
Karls Frīdrihs Vatsons. Subsequently, more fragments were published by
translators Kārlis Kundziņš, Janis Rainis, Edgars Baumans,
Sudrabu Edžus, Janis Jaunsudrabiņš, Emilija Prūsa, Emīls Skujenieks,
Jānis Sudrabkalns. A full translation of The Seasons by Pauls
Kalva, Gadalaiki, came out in 1963. (2nd edition, 2006).
A prose translation
of The Seasons into Polish was made in 1860 by Mikalojus
Akelaitis, who, however, failed to publish the manuscript. There remain
manuscript fragments of other translations by Jan Karłowicz (1872) and
Jan Ossowski (1883). A full translation of The Seasons by
Kazimierz Pietkiewicz, Rok, came out in 1933 (republished in
1953). The second Polish translation, Pory roku, by Zygmunt
Ławrynowicz, was published in 1982.
The fragments of the
poem were translated into Russian in 1916 by Vyacheslav Ivanov, while
the first full translation by David Brodsky, Времена года,
appeared in 1946. Later this translation has more than once been edited
and revised, the fables have been translated as well. The Seasons
in Brodsky's translation were published in 1951,
1955, 1960, 1964, 1984, 1990 and 2005. A
new translation into Russian, Времена, by Klaipėda poet
Sergey Isaev (Clandestinus) appeared in 2011. It was republished in
Other translations ot
The Seasons are as follows: into Czech, by Hana Jechova, Roční
doby (1960); into Belarusian, by Aleksandr Zarytsky, Чатыры пары
года (1961, 1983); into English, by Nadas Rastenis (1967) and Peter
Tempest (1985); into Georgian, by Grigol Abashidze and Revaz Margiani,
Celicadis droni (1968); into Hungarian, by Dezsö Tandori,
Évszakok (1970); into Armenian, by Feliks Bahchinian (1986), into
Ukrainian, by Dmitro Cherednichenko, Лiта (1989); into Swedish,
by Lennart Kjellberg, Årstiderna (1991).
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. Jau saulelė vėl =
Wiederum stieg
die Sonne = Saule jau atkal / [redaktorius Juozas Jasinevičius ;
dailininkas Vytautas Kalinauskas]. – Vilnius : Valstybinė
grožinės literatūros leidykla, 1963 (Kaunas : Valst. K. Poželos
sp.). – 81 p. : iliustr.
Here, the beginning of "The Seasons" is rendered in multiple languages (German,
Latvian, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Czech, Belarusian and
Estonian) and "The Fox's and the Stork's Feast" in Latin and
Yiddish. The edition is illustrated with engravings by Vytautas
Kalinauskas (1929–2001). The book also has an introduction by K.
Korsakas, "Kristijonas Donelaitis in other languages".
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. The Seasons / rendered from
the Lithuanian into English verse by Nadas Rastenis ;
introduction and editing by Elena Tumas ; [the woodcuts by
Vytautas K. Jonynas ; the portrait of Kristijonas Donelaitis is
from the medalion by Petras Rimša]. – Los Angeles, Cal. :
Lithuanian Days Publishers, 1967. – 127 p. –
Translated from: Metai.
Kaunas : Švietimo ministerijos Knygų leidimo komisija, 1940.
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. The Seasons / illustrated by
Vytautas K. Jonynas ; translated by Peter Tempest ; [notes and
editing by Lionginas Pažūsis]. – Vilnius: Vaga, 1985 (Kaunas :
K. Poželos sp.).– 157, [3] p. : iliustr.
This is the translation of "The Seasons" into English by Peter Tempest,
edited by Lionginas Pažūsis. The publication is illustrated with
wooden engravings by V. K. Jonynas. It also has an introduction
by K. Korsakas, "Kristijonas Donelaitis and his poem "The
Seasons"" (in English).
[Lietuvių poezija
Lithuanian Poetry / į armėnų kalbą iš originalo
išvertė Feliksas Bachčinianas]. – [S. l. : s. n.], 2006. – 215
Contains "The Seasons" by Kristijonas Donelaitis.
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. Чатыры пары года : паэма /
Крысціёнас Данелайціс ; [переклад з лiтоўскай мовы А. Зарыцкага
; афармленне i гравюры В.Н. Юркунаса]. – Мінск : Дзяржаўне выдав.
БССР, 1961. – 115, [3] p.
Kristijonas. Чатыры пары года
/ Крысцiëнас Данелайцiс ; пер. А. Зарыцкi. – Мiнск: Мaстацка
лiтаратура, 1983.
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. Roční doby / [přeložila Hana
Jechová ; dřevoryty vyzdobil V. Jurkūnas]. – Praha : Svět sovětů,
1960. – 119, [4] p. –
Translated from:
Metai. – Vilnius : Valstybinė
grožinės literatūros leidykla, 1956.
Čeliauskas, Petras. El mia esperanto skatolo / tradukinto
de beletro kaj aŭtoro de artikoloj Petras Čeliauskas. – Kaunas :
Naujasis lankas : Litova Esperanto-Asocio, 2009 (Kaunas :
Morkūnas ir Ko). – 519, [1] p.
Contains: Printempaj
ĝojoj : [Spring Joys]: (fragmento el granda
poema "La Jaro") / Kristijonas Donelaitis.
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. Metai / vertė Grigolas
Abasidze, Revazas Margiani. – Tbilisi : Litaratura da chelowneba,
1968. – 97, [3] p.
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. Gadalaiki / Kristijons
Donelaitis ; [no lietuviešu valodas atdzejojis Paulis Kalva ;
redaktore M. Bārbale ; V. Jurkuna ilustrācijas ; H. Purviņa
mākslinieciskā apdare. – Rīgā : Latvijas valsts izdevniecība,
1963. – 118, [2] p. : iliustr.
The first Latvian edition of "The Seasons" (Riga, 1963).
Translated by poet and translator Paulis Kalva (1919–2003).
Illustrated with engravings by V. Jurkūnas.
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. Gadalaiki = Metai / no
lietuviešu valodas 1994. gada "Baltos lankos" izdevuma
atdzejojis Paulis Kalva ; [redaktorius ir leidinio sudarytojas
dr. Phil. Albertas Sarkalnis] ; [ilustrāciju autors Vītauts
Kazimiers Jonīns]. – Rīga : Madris, 2006. – 293, [1] p.
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. Rok : obrazy z życia chłopów
XVIII-go wieku (blisko 200 lat temu) / Chrystjan Donalitius ; z
V-go wydania litewskiego – Szłapelisa przełożył K.P. [Kazimierz
Pietkiewicz]. – Warszawa : Skład główny u autora, 1933 (Drukarnia
społeczna w Pruszkowie). – 112 p. : iliustr.
The first Polish edition of "The Seasons" (Warsaw, 1933).
Translator Kazimierz Pietkiewicz (1861–1934) used the edition of
Donelaitis' Writings (Vilnius, 1914) compiled by J. Šlapelis.
The translator divided the poem into episodes, giving them
titles. The publication ends with an analytical article by the
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. Rok / [przełożył Kazimierz
Pietkiewicz ; okładkę projektował A. Kučas]. – Wilnius :
Państwowe wydawnictwo literatury pięknej Litewskiej SRR, 1953
(Kaunas : "Raidės" sp.). – 98, [2] p. : iliustr.
A slightly revised edition of the 1933's translation published
in Vilnius in 1953, which eschews the titles for the episodes
earlier proposed by the translator. It has a preface introducing
the life and work of Donelaitis, and footnote commentaries.
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. Pory roku = Metai / Krystyn
Donelajtis ; z litewskiego przetłumaczył Zygmunt Ławrynowicz ;
wstęp napisali Andrzej Wakar, Zygmunt Ławrynowicz; [opracowanie
graficzne Barbara Lis-Romańczuk]. – Olsztyn ; Białystok :
Pojezierze, 1982. – XLIV, 205 p. : portr., iliustr. – (Literatura
Warmii i Mazur w dawnych wiekach).
A translation of "The Seasons" published in 1982 in Poland (Olsztyn
and Białystok). Translated by Zygmunt Ławrynowicz, (1925–1987),
introduction by Andrzej Wakar (1920–1995) and by the translator.
The engraved portrait of Donelaitis at the beginning of the book is by V. Jurkūnas.
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. Времена года : поэма /
Кристионас Донелайтис ; перевод с литовского Д. Бродского ; [редактор
Л.Г. Блюмфельд ; иллюстрации художника Витаутаса Казимераса
Йонинаса ; обложка художника И.Г. Николаевцева. – Москва : Огиз,
Государственное издательство художественной литературы, 1946. –
109, [3] p. : iliustr.
The first Russian edition of "The Seasons" (Moscow, 1946).
Written in hexameter by Russian poet David Brodsky (1899–1966)
on the basis of a verbatim translation into Russian. The
publication ends with articles by historian Juozas Žiugžda
(1893–1979) and by poet and literature historian Vincas
Mykolaitis-Putinas (1893–1967). It is illustrated with wooden
engravings by V. K. Jonynas.
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. Избранное : [Времена года.
Басни] / Кристионас Донелайтис ; перевел с литовского Д.
Бродский ; [oформление художника С. Пожарского]. – Москва :
Государственное издательство художественной литературы, 1951 (Москва
: Красный пролетарий). – 109, [3] p. : iliustr.
Donelaitis' Selection published in Moscow in 1951
features D. Brodsky's translations of "The Seasons" and of four
fables ("The Wolf-Judge", "The Braggart Oak", "The Fox's and the
Stork's Feast" and "The Dog at the Fair").
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. Времена года : [поэма] / К.
Донелайтис ; перевел с литовского Д. Бродский ; [художники В.
Ростовцев и Л. Ростовцева]. – Москва : Гослитиздат, 1955. – 108
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. Времена года. Басни / К.
Донелайтис ; [перевод с литовского Д. Бродского ; вступительная
статья и примечания Л. Гинейтиса ; редактор И.В. Исакович ;
художник Л.С. Хижинский. – Ленинград : Советский писатель, 1960.
– 229, [3] p. – (Библиотека поэта основана М. Горьким, Малая
серия ; Изд. 3).
A revised translation by D. Brodsky of "The Seasons" and five
fables:, "The Fox's and the Stork's Feast", "The Dog at the Fair",
"The Clever Dog", "The Wolf-Judge" and "The Braggart Oak" (Leningrad
[now St. Petersburg], 1960), with a preface and commentaries by
Leonas Gineitis.
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. Времена года / Кристионас
Донелайтис ; перевод с литовского Д. Бродского ; [вступительная
статья Эдуардаса Межелайтиса ; художники В. Ростовцев и Л.
Ростовцева]. – Москва : Художественная литература, 1964. – 149,
[3] p. : iliustr.
A republished edition of the translation by D. Brodsky –
Donelaitis' "The Seasons" and five fables: "The Fox's and the
Stork's Feast", "The Dog at the Fair", "The Clever Dog", "The
Wolf-Judge" and "The Braggart Oak", (Maskva, 1964), with an
introduction by Lithuanian poet Eduardas Mieželaitis (1919–1997)
and with an article and notices by L. Gineitis. The publication
is illustrated with engravings by V. and L. Rostovtsev.
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. Времена года : поэма /
Кристионас Донелайтис ; перевод Д. Бродского ; иллюстр. В.
Юркунаса. – Вильнюс : Вага, 1984. – 109 p.
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. Времена года / Кристионас
Донелайтис ; перевод с литовского Д. Бродского ; [вcтупительное
слово Ю. Марцинкявичюса ; oформление художника Т. Константинова].
– Москва : Художественная литература, 1990. – 189, [3] p. :
A republished edition of the translation by D. Brodsky –
Donelaitis' "The Seasons" and five fables: "The Fox's and the
Stork's Feast", "The Dog at the Fair". "The Clever Dog", "The
Wolf-Judge" and "The Braggart Oak", (Maskva, 1990), with an
introduction by Lithuanian poet Justinas Marcinkevičius
(1930–2011) and with an article and notices by L. Gineitis. The
publication is illustrated with drawings by T. Konstantinov.
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. Årstiderna / svensk tolking
av Lennart Kjellberg. – Göteborg : Bokförlaget Renässans, 1991.
– 142 p.
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. Лiта : поема / Крiстiйонас
Донелайтiс ; з литовськоï [переклад українською мовою, пiслямова
i примiтки Дмитра Чередниченка ; художник Богдан Пiкулицький]. –
Киïв : Днiпро, 1989. – 125, [3] p.
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. Évszakok / [fordította
Tandori Dezsö ; illusztrálta Hincz Gyula]. – [Budapest] : Európa,
1970. – 143, [4] p.
Martin Ludwig Rhesa (Martynas Liudvikas Rėza, *1776–†1840),
translator of Donelaitis‘ writings into German
In: Lietuvių literatūros istorija. – Vilnius : Valst.
polit. ir moksl. lit. l-kla, 1957. – T. 1 : Feodalizmo epocha /
redagavo prof. K. Korsakas, LTSR MA akademikas.
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. Das Jahr in vier Gesängen :
ein ländliches Epos, aus dem Lit. / Ch. Donelaitis ; In gleichem
Versmaass ins Dt. übertragen von D.L.J. Rhesa. – Königsberg :
gedruckt in der Koenigl. Hartungschen Hofbuchdrukkerei, 1818. –
XXI, 162 p.
The first edition of Donelaitis' poem "The Seasons", published
in 1818 in Königsberg by the Hartung Printing House. The
manuscript of the poem was preserved by Johann Gottfried Jordan
and copied by Johann Friedrich Holfeldt. Its heavily edited and
shortened version was prepared for publication by Ludwig Martin
Rhesa (1776–1840), Königsberg University professor, who provided
a parallel translation of the text into German and wrote an
introduction, in which he gave an overview of Donelaitis' biography and oeuvre.
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. Littauische Dichtungen /
Christian Donalitius ; nach den Königsberger Handschriften mit
metrischer Uebersetzung, kritischen Anmerkungen und genauem
Glossar / herausgegeben von G.H.F. Nesselmann. – Königsberg :
Verlag von Hübner & Matz, 1869. – XVI, [2], 368 p.
The second translation of Donelaitis' writings (the fables, the
poem "The Seasons" in four parts, letters) into German by the
literary scientist and Königsberg University professor Georg
Heinrich Ferdinand Nesselmann (1811–1881) with his critical
commentaries, published in Königsberg in 1869.
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. Littauische Dichtungen /
Christian Donalitius' ; übersetzt und erläutert von L. Passarge.
– Halle a. S. : Verlag der Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1894.
– [6], 372 p.
A new translation of "The Seasons" into German by Ludwig
Passarge (*1825–†1912), teacher and man of letters in Lithuania
Minor. Came out in 1894 in Halle (Germany).
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. Die Jahreszeiten /
Nachdichtung von Hermann Buddensieg ; [illustriert von Vytautas
Kazys Jonynas, V. Jurkunas, E. Varnas]. – München : Wilhelm Fink
Verlag, 1966. – 156 p. : portr., iliustr., faks.
A free-style translation of "The Seasons" (with a fragment of "The
Continuation") by Herman Buddensieg (1893–1976) published in
1966 in Munich (Germany). The publication is embellished with
illustrations by V. K. Jonynas, V. Jurkūnas ir E. Varnas (the
portrait of Donelaitis).
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. Die Jahreszeiten : ein
litauisches Epos / Nachdichtung und Geleitwort von Hermann
Buddensieg. – Leipzig : Insel-Verlag, 1970. – 128 p., 1 portr.
lap. – (Insel-Bücherei ; Nr. 928).
A new edition of the free-style translation of "The Seasons" by
H. Buddensieg containing the translator's commentary (Leipzig, 1970).
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. Die Jahreszeiten / von
Christian Donalitius ; nach einer Übersetzung aus dem
Litauischen von Ludwig Passarge im Jahre 1894 herausgegeben ;
ergänzt durch ein Vorwort von Lutz F.W. Wenau ; mit zahlreichen
Illustrationen der litauischen Künstler V.K. Jonynas und V.
Jurkunas versehen.– Nachdr. der Versdichtung. - Lilienthal :
Erschienen im Selbstverl., 1999. – XXIII, 230 p. : iliustr.,
A reprinting (Lilienthal, 1999) of the translation of
Donelaitis' works into German by Ludwig Passarge, (1825–1912)
published in 1894 in Halle (Germany). The publication has a
preface by Donelaitis' relative Lutz Wenau and is illustrated
with engravings by V. K. Jonynas and V. Jurkūnas.
Donelaitis, Kristijonas. Metai = Das Jahr : keturiose
giesmėse / išvertė Liudvikas Rėza ; parengė Vidmantas Staniulis.
– 1818 m. faks. leid. – Kaunas : V. Staniulio knygynas, 2010
(Kaunas : Morkūnas ir Ko). – [13], XXI, 162 p.
A facsimile edition of the 1818's Königsberg edition of „The
Seasons“, prepared for publication and published by Vidmantas
Staniulis in Kaunas in 2010 with a preface by Antanas Buračas.
Published to mark the 230th anniversary of the death of
Kristijonas Donelaitis and the 170th anniversary of the death of
Ludwig Rhesa.